
DELETE /api/table/{tableId}/record


Path Parameters

  • tableId (string): The unique identifier of the table (how to get).

Query Parameters

  • recordIds (required) (how to get)
    • Description: Array of record IDs to delete
    • Type: Array
    • Example: ["rec123456", "rec789012"]
    • Note: Each element is a string representing the ID of a record to be deleted.


Success Response

  • Status code: 200 OK
  • Response body: No content

Error Responses

  • Status code: 400 Bad Request: Request parameter format error or missing required parameters.
  • Status code: 404 Not Found: Specified tableId does not exist or some record IDs do not exist.

Example Code

curl -X DELETE '[]=rec123456&recordIds[]=rec789012' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer __token__'