Update record
Update a single record by its ID with support for field value typecast and record reordering.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Update record by id
Define the key type of record.fields[key], You can click "systemInfo" in the field edit box to get fieldId or enter the table design screen with all the field details
, name
Automatic data conversion from cellValues if the typecast parameter is passed in. Automatic conversion is disabled by default to ensure data integrity, but it may be helpful for integrating with 3rd party data sources.
Where this record to insert to (Optional)
The record id.
Objects with a fields key mapping fieldId or field name to value for that field.
primary field value
Auto number, a unique identifier for each record
Created time, date ISO string (new Date().toISOString).
Last modified time, date ISO string (new Date().toISOString).
Created by, user name
Last modified by, user name