Space Invitations

What is a Space Collaborator?

When you share a space with another user, they become a space collaborator, gaining access to all databases/interfaces within that space (under specified permission levels).

If someone only needs to work on certain databases in your space, consider setting them as database collaborators. You can also learn more about collaborators and permission levels in the collaboration guide. Enterprise-scale and business administrators have access to additional collaboration tools on the user page of the admin panel (available in the enterprise edition only).

Adding Space Collaborators

To perform the following actions, you need to have owner or creator permissions. Starting from the Teable homepage:

  1. Click on the space on the left side of the page where you intend to add space collaborators.

  2. Click the "Invite" button near the top of the space.

  3. This will open the space invitation window. Here, you will see options to invite via email or via link. Additionally, you can find the previously configured "Invitation Link" and the existing "Space Collaborators" in the respective section.

  4. To invite via email, enter the email address or add multiple email addresses (separated by commas). Then, set the permission level you wish for the user across all databases in the space, and optionally add a message. Finally, click send email to invite users to collaborate via email.

  5. To invite via link, click on the "Invite via Link" option. Then, set the permission level the invitation link will grant access to databases throughout the entire space. Finally, click create link. Now, you can click the clipboard icon next to the created link to share it in any way you see fit.

Remember, space collaborators will be able to fully access all databases and interfaces within the space. If you only wish to share certain databases with someone, you might want to set them as database collaborators.

To remove an invitation link, click the X to the right of the invitation link. Deleting an invitation link will invalidate it, and anyone attempting to use the old link will not be able to access the space.

Removing Space Collaborators

You can remove space collaborators from the space sharing window. Click the X next to the user you intend to remove. A few points to note:

  • Only users with owner or creator space permissions can remove users with the same or lower permission levels.

  • You can only remove your own access if there is at least one other owner in the space.

  • Database collaborators cannot be removed from this window.

Last updated