
Teable is organized into spaces, where each space invites users to collaborate. Spaces in Teable serve as a primary navigation element within the menu bar, offering a foundational platform for users to add and manage databases as needed.

Teable allows users to access its features entirely free of charge, enabling participation in a space across both self-hosted solutions and the Software as a Service (SaaS) model.


Teable empowers users with the freedom to join multiple spaces and to seamlessly transition among them via the home page.

It's crucial to recognize that spaces operate independently. Despite the freedom to create numerous spaces, transferring or linking data between them is not possible. For efficiency, it’s recommended to house related databases within the same space.

Navigating between your spaces is straightforward and can be done from the dashboard.

Collaborating in Spaces

Customizing Access and Permissions

Within your space, you can tailor access levels and permissions by assigning specific roles to team members. These roles determine the capacity to view, edit, or comment on particular tables, views, or records.

Adjust the permissions concerning the creation and deletion of databases, extend invitations to new members, and manage external sharing options. This ensures that each team member is granted access and permissions that align with their responsibilities and role.

For a deeper understanding of collaboration within Teable spaces, refer to our support documentation.

Inviting Members to a Space

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork is a breeze by inviting members to your space.

Begin by navigating to your space page and locating the “Invite” option. Enter the email addresses of those you wish to join.

Upon sending the invitations, invitees will receive an email detailing how to access the space. Inviting members facilitates a collaborative environment, fostering effective communication and productivity within a shared space.

Users can also create invitation links and share the links with collaborators to join the space.

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