Function Cheat Sheet
This section provides a quick reference for all available functions and their basic usage
Numeric Functions
This section covers common numeric processing functions, including mathematical operations and statistical calculations.
Function Name | Description | Input | Output | Example |
SUM | Adds numbers together. Equivalent to number1 + number2 + … | number1, [number2, ...] | Number | SUM(100, 200, 300) => 600 |
AVERAGE | Returns the average of numbers. | number1, [number2, ...] | Number | AVERAGE(100, 200, 300) => 200 |
MAX | Returns the largest value among given numbers. | number1, [number2, ...] | Number | MAX(100, 200, 300) => 300 |
MIN | Returns the smallest value among given numbers. | number1, [number2, ...] | Number | MIN(100, 200, 300) => 100 |
ROUND | Rounds a value to the number of decimal places specified by “precision”. | value, [precision] | Number | ROUND(1.99, 0) => 2 ROUND(16.8, -1) => 20 |
ROUNDUP | Always rounds up, away from zero. | value, [precision] | Number | ROUNDUP(1.1, 0) => 2 ROUNDUP(-1.1, 0) => -2 |
ROUNDDOWN | Always rounds down, toward zero. | value, [precision] | Number | ROUNDDOWN(1.9, 0) => 1 ROUNDDOWN(-1.9, 0) => -1 |
CEILING | Returns the nearest integer multiple greater than or equal to the value. | value, [significance] | Number | CEILING(2.49) => 3 CEILING(2.49, 1) => 2.5 |
FLOOR | Returns the nearest integer multiple less than or equal to the value. | value, [significance] | Number | FLOOR(2.49) => 2 FLOOR(2.49, 1) => 2.4 |
EVEN | Returns the smallest even number greater than or equal to the specified value. | value | Number | EVEN(0.1) => 2 EVEN(-0.1) => -2 |
ODD | Rounds positive values up to the nearest odd number and negative values down to the nearest odd number. | value | Number | ODD(0.1) => 1 ODD(-0.1) => -1 |
INT | Returns the integer part of a number. | value | Number | INT(1.9) => 1 INT(-1.9) => -2 |
ABS | Returns the absolute value. | value | Number | ABS(-1) => 1 |
SQRT | Returns the square root of a non-negative number. | value | Number | SQRT(4) => 2 |
POWER | Calculates the specified base to the specified power. | base, exponent | Number | POWER(2, 2) => 4 |
EXP | Calculates Euler’s number (e) to the specified power. | value | Number | EXP(0) => 1 EXP(1) => 2.718 |
LOG | Calculates the logarithm of a value in the provided base. If not specified, base defaults to 10. | value, [base=10] | Number | LOG(100) => 2 LOG(1024, 2) => 10 |
MOD | Returns the remainder after dividing the first parameter by the second. | value, divisor | Number | MOD(9, 2) => 1 MOD(9, 3) => 0 |
VALUE | Converts a text string to a number. | text | Number | VALUE("$1,000,000") => 1000000 |
Text Functions
Here you’ll find common functions for text processing, such as string operations and formatting.
Function Name | Description | Input | Output | Example |
CONCATENATE | Joins multiple value type parameters into a single text value. | text1, [text2, ...] | Text | CONCATENATE("Hello ", "Teable") => Hello Teable |
FIND | Finds the position of a substring in specified text. Returns 0 if substring not found. | stringToFind, whereToSearch, [startFromPosition] | Number | FIND("Teable", "Hello Teable") => 7 |
SEARCH | Finds the position of a substring in specified text. Returns empty if substring not found. Similar to FIND but returns empty instead of 0. | stringToFind, whereToSearch, [startFromPosition] | Text or Empty | SEARCH("Teable", "Hello Teable") => 7 |
MID | Extracts a specified number of characters from a text string starting at a specified position. | text, whereToStart, count | Text | MID("Hello Teable", 6, 6) => "Teable" |
LEFT | Extracts a specified number of characters from the start of a string. | text, count | Text | LEFT("2023-09-06", 4) => "2023" |
RIGHT | Extracts a specified number of characters from the end of a string. | text, count | Text | RIGHT("2023-09-06", 5) => "09-06" |
REPLACE | Replaces a specified number of characters starting at a specified position with replacement text. | text, whereToStart, count, replacement | Text | REPLACE("Hello Table", 7, 5, "Teable") => "Hello Teable" |
REGEXP_REPLACE | Replaces all substrings matching a regular expression with replacement text. | text, regular_expression, replacement | Text | REGEXP_REPLACE("Hello Table", "H.* ", "") => "Teable" |
SUBSTITUTE | Replaces old text with new text. Can specify an index to replace a specific occurrence of old text. If no index specified, replaces all occurrences. | text, oldText, newText, [index] | Text | SUBSTITUTE("Hello Table", "Table", "Teable") => "Hello Teable" |
LOWER | Converts string to lowercase. | text | Text | LOWER("Hello Teable") => "hello teable" |
UPPER | Converts string to uppercase. | text | Text | UPPER("Hello Teable") => "HELLO TEABLE" |
REPT | Repeats text a specified number of times. | text, number | Text | REPT("Hello!", 3) => "Hello!Hello!Hello!" |
TRIM | Removes whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string. | text | Text | TRIM(" Hello ") => "Hello" |
LEN | Counts the number of characters in a string. | text | Number | LEN("Hello") => 5 |
T | Returns the parameter if it’s text, otherwise returns empty. | value | Text or Empty | T("Hello") => "Hello" T(100) => null |
ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT | Replaces certain characters with encoded equivalents for constructing URLs or URIs. Does not encode: - _ . ~ | value | Text | ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT("Hello Teable") => "Hello%20Teable" |
Logical Functions
Logical functions primarily deal with conditional judgments and logical operations. This section details the use of functions like IF
, OR
, etc.
Function Name | Description | Input | Output | Example |
IF | Returns value1 if the logical parameter is true, otherwise returns value2. Can be used for nested IF statements and checking if cells are empty. | logical, value1, value2 | String | Number | Boolean | Datetime | IF(2 > 1, "A", "B") => "A" IF(2 > 1, TRUE, FALSE) => TRUE |
SWITCH | Matches an input expression against a series of values and returns the corresponding result. Can return a default value if no match is found. Can often replace nested IF() formulas. | expression, [pattern, result]..., [default] | String | Number | Boolean | Datetime | SWITCH("B", "A", "Value A", "B", "Value B", "Default Value") => "Value B" |
AND | Returns true if all parameters are true; otherwise returns false. | logical1, [logical2, ...] | Boolean | AND(1 < 2, 5 > 3) => true AND(1 < 2, 5 < 3) => false |
OR | Returns true if any parameter is true. | logical1, [logical2, ...] | Boolean | OR(1 < 2, 5 < 3) => true OR(1 > 2, 5 < 3) => false |
XOR | Returns true if an odd number of parameters are true. | logical1, [logical2, ...] | Boolean | XOR(1 < 2, 5 < 3, 8 < 10) => false XOR(1 > 2, 5 < 3, 8 < 10) => true |
NOT | Inverts the logical value of its parameter. | boolean | Boolean | NOT(1 < 2) => false NOT(1 > 2) => true |
BLANK | Returns a null value. | - | null | BLANK() => null IF(2 > 3, "Yes", BLANK()) => null |
ERROR | Returns an error value. | message | Error | IF(2 > 3, "Yes", ERROR("Calculation")) => "#ERROR: Calculation" |
IS_ERROR | Returns true if the expression causes an error. | expr | Boolean | IS_ERROR(ERROR()) => true |
Date Functions
Date functions help users process and transform date and time data. This section covers operations like adding, subtracting, and formatting dates.
Function Name | Description | Input | Output | Example |
TODAY | Returns the current date. | - | Datetime | TODAY() => "2023-09-08 00:00" |
NOW | Returns the current date and time. | - | Datetime | NOW() => "2023-09-08 16:50" |
YEAR | Returns the four-digit year of a date. | date | Number | YEAR("2023-09-08") => 2023 |
MONTH | Returns the month of a date as a number between 1 (January) and 12 (December). | date | Number | MONTH("2023-09-08") => 9 |
WEEKNUM | Returns the week number of the year. | date | Number | WEEKNUM("2023-09-08") => 36 |
WEEKDAY | Returns the day of the week as an integer between 0 and 6. You can optionally provide a second parameter (“Sunday” or “Monday”) to start the week on that day. | date, [startDayOfWeek] | Number | WEEKDAY("2023-09-08", "Monday") => 5 |
DAY | Returns the day of the month as a number between 1-31. | date | Number | DAY("2023-09-08") => 8 |
HOUR | Returns the hour of a date as a number between 0 (12:00am) and 23 (11:00pm). | date | Number | HOUR("2023-09-08 16:50") => 16 |
MINUTE | Returns the minute of a date as an integer between 0 and 59. | date | Number | MINUTE("2023-09-08 16:50") => 50 |
SECOND | Returns the seconds of a date as an integer between 0 and 59. | date | Number | SECOND("2023-09-08 16:50:30") => 30 |
FROMNOW | Calculates the number of days between the current date and another date. | date, unit | Number | FROMNOW({Date}, "day") => 25 |
TONOW | Calculates the number of days between the current date and another date. | date, unit | Number | TONOW({Date}, "day") => 25 |
DATETIME_DIFF | Returns the datetime difference in specified units. Default unit is seconds. (See unit specifier list.) | date1, date2, [unit] | Number | DATETIME_DIFF("2022-08-01", "2023-09-08", "day") => 403 |
WORKDAY | Returns the workday date offset from the start date, excluding specified holidays | date, count, [holidayStr] | Datetime | WORKDAY("2023-09-08", 200) => "2024-06-14 00:00:00" |
WORKDAY_DIFF | Returns the number of workdays between date1 and date2. Workdays exclude weekends and an optional list of holidays formatted as a comma-separated string of ISO format dates. | date1, date2, [holidayStr] | Number | WORKDAY_DIFF("2023-06-18", "2023-10-01") => 75 |
IS_SAME | Compares two dates to a unit and determines if they are the same. Returns true if they are, false otherwise. | date1, date2, [unit] | Boolean | IS_SAME("2023-09-08", "2023-09-10") => false |
IS_AFTER | Determines if date1 is later than date2. Returns true if it is, false otherwise. | date1, date2, [unit] | Boolean | IS_AFTER("2023-09-10", "2023-09-08") => true IS_AFTER("2023-09-10", "2023-09-08", "month") => false |
Array and Other Functions
In addition to the above categories, this section introduces functions for handling arrays and other specific data types.
Function Name | Description | Input | Output | Example |
COUNTALL | Returns the count of all elements, including text and blanks. | value1, [value2, ...] | Number | COUNTALL(100, 200, "", "Teable", TRUE()) => 5 |
COUNTA | Returns the count of non-empty values. This function counts both numbers and text values. | value1, [value2, ...] | Number | COUNTA(100, 200, 300, "", "Teable", TRUE) => 4 |
COUNT | Returns the count of numeric items. | value1, [value2, ...] | Number | COUNT(100, 200, 300, "", "Teable", TRUE) => 3 |
ARRAY_JOIN | Joins an array of rollup items into a string using a separator. | array, [separator] | String | ARRAY_JOIN(["Tom", "Jerry", "Mike"], "; ") => "Tom; Jerry; Mike" |
ARRAY_UNIQUE | Returns only the unique items in an array. | array | Array | ARRAY_UNIQUE([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]) => [1, 2, 3] |
ARRAY_FLATTEN | Flattens an array by removing any array nesting. All items become elements of a single array. | array | Array | ARRAY_FLATTEN([1, 2, " ", 3, true], ["ABC"]) => [1, 2, 3, " ", true, "ABC"] |
ARRAY_COMPACT | Removes empty strings and null values from an array. Preserves “false” and strings containing one or more whitespace characters. | array | Array | ARRAY_COMPACT([1, 2, 3, "", null, "ABC"]) => [1, 2, 3, "ABC"] |
RECORD_ID | Returns the ID of the current record. | - | String | RECORD_ID() => "recxxxxxx" |