Interactive Display
Choose more interactive display methods for specific fields to enhance data readability and operability.
Text Field Interactive Display
- URL: Display the text field content as a web address, which opens in a new tab when clicked.
- Email: Display the text field content as an email address, which launches the default email application when clicked.
- Phone: Display the text field content as a phone number, which initiates a phone call when clicked (depending on device support).
Number Field Interactive Display
For number fields, you can choose from the following display options:
Single-Value Number Fields:
- Bar Chart: Numbers are displayed as bar charts. You can set the color, choose whether to show the specific value on the chart, and specify a reference number representing 100% (this doesn’t set a hard limit but serves as a display reference).
- Ring Chart: Numbers are displayed as ring charts. Similarly, you can set the color, choose whether to show the specific value on the chart, and specify a reference number representing 100%.
Multi-Value Number Fields:
- Bar Chart: Multiple numbers are displayed as side-by-side bar charts. You can set the color for these charts.
- Line Chart: Multiple numbers are displayed as line charts. You can also set the color for these charts.
Using these interactive display features, you can view and understand your data more intuitively while making it more engaging and interesting.
Single Value vs Multiple ValuesIn table field design, you may have noticed the concepts of 'single value' and 'multiple values'. These describe whether a cell in a field stores a single value or a series of values (array). Each field type can exist in either single or multiple value states, and understanding these concepts is crucial for advanced usage.