How to Set Up

  1. In your table view, select “Add Field”.
  2. Name your field and choose “Multiple Select” as the field type.
  3. Start entering your options and define a unique color for each option (optional) to make them more easily identifiable in tables or other views.

Use Cases

Multiple select fields are ideal for the following scenarios:

  • Tags or Keywords: For example, when tracking content projects, an article or video might cover multiple topics such as “Technology”, “Design”, and “Marketing”.
  • Skills or Capabilities: In a personnel database, each person might have multiple skills like “Programming”, “Project Management”, and “Public Relations”.
  • Departments Involved: When a project spans multiple departments, such as “Sales”, “R&D”, and “Finance”.


  1. Flexibility: Unlike single select fields, multiple select fields allow you to choose multiple values, providing more context for each record.
  2. Visualization: By assigning different colors to each option, you can quickly identify and categorize records in the table.
  3. Filtering and Sorting: You can filter or sort records based on one or more options in the multiple select field, making data management more efficient.